Mackinac Island in the Fall

Mackinac Island in the Fall

Mackinac Island sunrise from the water, Iroquois Hotel and other water front properties

Mackinac Island sunrise from the water, Iroquois Hotel and other water front properties

Mackinac Island sunrise from the water, Windermere Hotel and Windermere Park

Mackinac Island sunrise from the water, Iroquois Hotel and other waterfront properties

Mackinac Island sunrise from the water, Windermere Hotel and Windermere Park

Mackinac Island sunrise from the water, Iroquois Hotel with the rising sun reflecting off the windows

Mackinac Island sunrise from the water, Mission Point resort with the golden sunlight on the buildings

Mackinac Island sunrise from the water, Mission Point resort with the golden sunlight on the buildings

Mackinac Island sunrise from the water, Mission Point resort with the golden sunlight on the buildings

Mackinac Island sunrise with bridge, lighthouse and approaching ferry in the distance

Mackinac Island sunrise with approaching ferry in the distance

Mackinac Island sunrise with bridge, lighthouse and approaching ferry in the distance